Monday, November 10, 2008

The video I chose was sent to me by my sister that is twelve years old and is still living in Alaska.  She is a hard-core democrat and was pretty excited to see this.  The video was filmed in Alaska, however the video was primarily of women that live in Anchorage Showing support for Obama by making the Obama logo outside of the state building.  The video also showed pictures women as well as men showing their support all over the state.  Some pictures were of people camping in cabins, on top of mountains, on beaches.  There was even one picture of some women holding Obama signs after the Alaska Day parade in my hometown of Sitka.  This seemed awkward to me because I assumed that Alaska would be in full support of Sara Palin.  However after talking to my mom she said that there has been a lot of support shown for Obama all over the state and it was all over the news.  I thought it was interesting that there almost seemed to be an uprising of democrats this year in a state that has a republican senator running for vice president next to John McCain.  Republicans have primarily dominated Alaska for the last half-century as well.    the video clip can be found at

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